
Micronutrients Fertilizer

Original price was: $47.00.Current price is: $40.99.

Micronutrient fertilizers are substances that provide essential micronutrients or trace elements to plants. These micronutrients are required in smaller quantities compared to macronutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, but are still crucial for plant growth and development.



For maximum stability and best availability for plant uptake, the micronutrients in Haifa Micro™ products are in the form of chelates.
A chelate is a complex of a micronutrient ion and an organic molecule (ligand) that “holds” it and protects it from interacting with other ions in the solution, which might make it unavailable for plant uptake.
As the micronutrient ions are consumed by the plant, more ions are released from the molecules that hold them and become available for plant uptake.
Due to their chelated form, the micronutrients in Haifa Micro™ are available for plant uptake in both alkaline and acidic soils.

Common micronutrients in fertilizers include:

1. Boron (B)
2. Copper (Cu)
3. Iron (Fe)
4. Manganese (Mn)
5. Molybdenum (Mo)
6. Zinc (Zn)
7. Chlorine (Cl)
8. Nickel (Ni)

Micronutrient fertilizers help to:

– Enhance plant growth and yields
– Improve fruit and flower quality
– Increase resistance to diseases and pests
– Support plant metabolism and enzyme functions
– Maintain soil health and fertility

Micronutrient deficiencies can lead to various plant disorders, so using micronutrient fertilizers can help prevent or correct these issues. However, it’s essential to soil test and determine the specific micronutrient needs of your plants to avoid over-fertilization.