Orange Valencia for Sale
Storage Info: These oranges should be refrigerated and they should be consumed within 3 days of delivery. If kept in open then it should be kept in a container which has openings from all sides to allow fresh air flow.
Health Guide: Beat the summer with a cool and super-hydrating fresh Valencia orange juice extracted at home.
Health Fact: Vitamin C helps in preventing skin damage from direct sun.
Pack Size: 1 Kg
Valencia is a sweet orange hybridized by William Wolfskill, a winemaker and citrus farmer in California in the mid-19th century. He named the variety after Valencia, Spain, known for its sweet oranges, although the parent trees actually originated from India.
Due to its excellent taste and colour, the Valencia orange soon became one of the most widely grown juice orange varieties in the United States. It is a late-season orange, with its fruit ripening in late spring through early summer. An American classic, you can’t go wrong with the Valencia orange.
Parentage: Sweet orange
Harvest season: Mar-Jun
Growing zones: 8-11
Pollinator needed: No
Seeds per fruit: 0-6
Mature height – Full Size: 20+ ft.
Mature height – Semi-dwarf: 12-15 ft.
Mature height – Dwarf: 8-10 ft.
Size when shipped: 26-33”