Tilapia fish
- Processing: Whole Round (WR) | Gutted & Scaled (G&S) | Fillets (Skinless/Skin-on & Boneless) | Steaks.
- Freezing process: IQF (Individually Quick Frozen).
- Packaging: IWP (Individual Wrap Package) | Bulk | Interleaf.
Tiliapia are one of the most frequently cultured fish in the world, with the aquaculture of Tilapia considered a nutritious and healthy part of a balanced diet. Tilapia can be raised in ponds or tanks. While Tilapia can survive in temperatures ranging from 55˚ – 100˚ F, optimal temperatures range from 75˚ – 85˚ F. Breeding Tilapia is relatively easy to do, though sexing them as juveniles is quite difficult; typically, those interested in breeding either order a breeding colony or they order a group of juveniles and allow them to mature together, then move established breeding colonies to their tank.